

Jul 31, 2023

Chattanooga Beer and Wrecker Board set to split after decades together

For nearly four decades, Chattanooga's Beer and Wrecker Board has overseen the licensing and regulation of bars and tow trucks, but soon the board is set to split.

The Beer and Wrecker Board was established in the 1980s out of administrative convenience for the Chattanooga Police Department, according to Chris Anderson, Mayor Tim Kelly's senior adviser for legislative initiatives. The idea to split the board is part of the administration's efforts to update the city's more outdated operations and codes, he said in a phone interview.

"We've certainly modernized a lot of the ordinances, and this is just coming up next on the list to take something that doesn't make sense and make it make sense," he said.

If the split is authorized by the Chattanooga City Council, the Beer Board would become its own entity and retain the members of the Beer and Wrecker Board, Anderson said.

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