

Sep 23, 2023


More than 200 kids and kids at heart packed The Society of the Four Arts on Thursday for the annual Fire Prevention Day.

The always-popular Preschool Story Time event attracted 100 children and 132 adults, said Children's Librarian Samantha Merigold. Four Palm Beach Fire Rescue members, Danny Gargiulo, Austin Bradshaw, Lt. Gabriel Cadet and Austin Bohn, were at the event.

"My First Trip to the Fire Station,'' by Katie Kawa, ''Fire Trucks,'' by Maria Schmidt and "Fire Engine No. 9," by Mike Austin were three of the books read. Merigold talked with the Fire Rescue crew about fire safety, among other topics.

But the star of the show for the pre-schoolers was the shiny red fire truck that everyone wanted to crawl on.

''The best way to start our season each year is with Palm Beach Fire Rescue. All enjoyed their time learning from and visiting with the crew, checking out the fire rescue vehicle, and cooling off with popsicles," Merigold said.

Preschool Story Time is for children 4 and younger and is available most Mondays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. from October through April. This Thursday's event is about pumpkins.