

Sep 19, 2023

Fire Safety

The AGWSR kindergarten class of the Ackley center met some of the Ackley Volunteer Fire Department members on Friday to learn all about fire safety. Along with their lesson, the children were given a ride in the fire trucks and visited the station. To see more of their visit and the things they learned, see inside this edition of the Ackley World Journal.

Along with taking the Ackley kindergarten class for a ride in the fire truck and providing the students with knowledge on fire safety, members of the Ackley Fire Department recognized Fire Safety Poster winners. Over the past few weeks, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students made posters based on the 2023 Fire Safety Poster Contest theme – Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.”

This year’s winners received a cash award, a certificate, and recognition from their peers.

First place posters will advance to the Iowa Firefighters Association’s Poster Contest. Posters at this level will be judged upon appeal, artistic ability, and neatness.

Third grade winners from AGWSR were: first place Courtney Hill, second place Aubrey Sailer, and third place Talea Haupt (not pictured).

Fourth grade winners were: first place Alayna Miller, second place Isabella Archer, and third place Bella De Jesus.

Fifth grade winners were: first place Kyli Willems, second place Avery Clark, and third place Henry Crawford. The students are pictured with 1st Assistant Chief Joe Hunt.

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